Intensiivikurssi ihmisoikeuksista Åbo Akademissa 17.-21. elokuuta 2015
Åbo Akademin Ihmisoikeusinstituutti järjestää elokuussa viikon mittaisen intensiivikurssin aiheesta oikeus, kehitys ja ihmisoikeudet. Hakuaika päättyy 18.5.2015.
The Institute for Human Rights at Åbo Akademi University organizes an
17-21 August 2015, Turku/Åbo, Finland
NEW DEADLINE for applications: May 18th, 2015.
This one-week intensive course on law, development and human rights offers participants an opportunity to acquire specialist-level knowledge in the field of human rights and development. It offers critical examinations of the conceptual and practical role of the international human rights law frame work in development.
The aim is to study:
* A human rights perspective to development
* Different development actors
* Links between human rights law and other parallel legal fields relevant for development
* Contextualising and localising human rights law
* The role of law in development
Particular attention will be paid to the position of the individual at
the centre of development efforts.
Sisay Alemahu Yeshanew, PhD, Post-Doc Researcher, Institute of
Human Rights, Åbo Akademi University
"Using Law for Development Purposes"
Koen De Feyter, PhD, Chair of International Law, University of Antwerp
"Taking stock: where are we now in human rights and development"
"Development through a human rights lens"
"Rights-holders - the individual in the center of development"
"The local relevance of Human Rights to Disadvantaged Groups in
Developing Countries"
"States and IGOs as duty-bearers"
Thoko Kaime, PhD, Lecturer, University of Leicester
"Contextuality and participation in interpretation and implementation
of human rights"
"Legality, legitimacy and overlegalisation"
Maija Mustaniemi-Laakso, Doctoral Candidate, Institute of Human
Rights, Åbo Akademi University
Elina Pirjatanniemi, LL.D., Armfelt Professor of Constitutional Law
and International
Law, director of the Institute for Human Rights at Åbo Akademi University
"Human Rights, Development and Environmental Law"
Sirpa Rautio, LL.M., Director of the Human Rights Centre, Finland
Panel discussion
Hans-Otto Sano, PhD, Senior Researcher, The Danish Institute for
Human Rights
"Impact and Change"
Alessandra Sarelin, PhD, Post-Doc Researcher, Institute of Human
Rights, Åbo Akademi University
"Background and history: separate and parallel tracks of human rights
and development"
Tara Van Ho, PhD, Post-Doc researcher at University of Aarhus,
Project Associate at Essex Business & Human Rights Project
"Human Rights, Development and Businesses"
"Human Rights, Development and Trade & Investment Law"
"Human Rights, Development and Conflict"
Panel: "Beyond Development aid? The role of Sates, IGOS/IFIs and businesses in contributing to sustainable and equitable development"
Prof. Elina Pirjatanniemi, Tara van Ho, Sirpa Rautio, Hans-Otto Sano
Applicants should fill in the application form, include their CV and
two separate letters of recommendation in support of their application.
To application form:
More information: