HRC study on Human Rights Education in Finland now available in English


In February 2014 the Finnish Human Rights Centre published its baseline study on Human Rights Education in Finland.

The Human Rights Centre published its baseline study on Human Rights Education in Finland in february 2014. The study was conducted in 2012-2013. The study was implement as a collection of articles, ordered from experts in different education sectors and human rights education.

The authors were advised to provide a good overview of human rights education in the education sector concerned through examining how the elements of the above-mentioned definition of human rights education, i.e. values, norms, mechanisms, enabling environment and the objective of empowerment, have been taken into account in the education provided in the sector concerned.

Each section dealing with a different education sector includes an overview of the legislation and other binding national instruments applicable to the field (e.g. core curricula) and examines the content of human rights teaching in the education sector concerned. The sections also assess the professional competences of teachers, trainers and educators for human rights education. On the other hand, it was realised already in the planning stage of this study that evaluating the quality or effectiveness of teaching would be too challenging a task.


The study was set the objective of giving an overview of the current state of human rights education and training. At the same time, it aims to provide a basis for drafting a (possible) national human rights education action plan. In other words, the study also looks into future development needs and plans. For this purpose, the authors were requested to evaluate the possibilities, challenges and obstacles of human rights education in the sector concerned and make concrete action proposals for developing human rights education.


The general recommendations for promoting human rights education and training in Finland adopted by the Human Rights Delegation are published as part of this study.


Related page and material (Finnish and Swedish versions and longer articles.